Collinites Fiberglass Boat Cleaner 920 makes it easier to remove oxidation, discolouration and stains from fiberglass while restoring a great looking finish.
The ideal pre-wax item, No.920 cuts fast and finishes smooth-removing film, mild-moderate UV oxidation/chalkiness, discolouration, and tough stains from fiberglass. Easy-to-use compound restores original color and gloss to facilitate the easy application of Collinite’s last step waxes; improving wax bond, spread/coverage and durability.
Great deep Fiberglass Cleaning
- Restore original colour and finish
- Remove moderate oxidation
- Place 5 small pea size dots onto buffing pad. Do not over saturate pad. Only a small amount of product is needed.
- Place pad on panel and make 2-3 section passes with firm pressure no larger than a 2×2 ft section.
- Make an additional 2-3 passes with less pressure. Buff until just before product dries. Never dry buff.
- Wipe off product residue from panel to reveal a clean, glossy, beautiful finish.