Precision is a versatile, high gloss cutting compound that can remove even the heaviest paint defects with ease, producing an unbelievably refined finish for a cutting compound.
Nv Precision is a highly advanced, innovative cutting compound that is able to remove some of the harshest paint defects with ease. This is one of the most versatile cutting compounds we have and can still finish down to an incredibly high gloss with minimal haze.
Precision is at the cusp of diminishing abrasive technology and is becoming more and more popular in the detailing scene. It is usable on all types of paint systems and is incredibly easy to use.
Recommended Pads:
- Lake Country Blue HDO (most popular)
- Scholl Concepts White Spider Pad (most aggressive)
- Shine Mate Yellow Flat Pad
- Lake Country Orange CCS
- Lake Country Orange FR Pad