An innovative Clay Bar kit that has 3 different grades of clay which allows you to safely remove contamination from your car no matter how fine, or severe.
1 x Grey Ultra Fine Clay 100gr bar (for use on brand new cars)
1 x Green Fine Grade Clay 100gr bar (for use on cars with 15k on clock)
1 x Yellow Medium Grade Clay 100gr bar (for use on cars 15k + on clock)
The CARPRO 3 clays are an elastic clay that is easy to use and re-mold. When used in conjunction with a lubricant such as CARPRO Immolube, you can expect a safe and thorough decontamination process that deep cleans the pores of paint that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye and are not cleaned by regular washing alone.
This is perhaps your most important step in your procedure as it provides the clean base required for your protectant to adhere to.
3Clays gives you the flexibility to handle multiple decontamination levels for different cars or areas in the same product.
For an even more thorough decontamination 3Clays can be used with Nv Purify as a lubricant and powerful iron fillings remover. No clay bar alone will remove ferrous iron particles from a vehicle's paintwork.
This provides a comprehensive single step decontamination and saves you money and time.