When Should I Decontaminate My Car?

When should I Decontaminate my car?
The most common time to decontaminate your vehicle is prior to paint correction and/or a paint protection process. It is extremely vital that both your paint correction and protection are implemented immediately after a thorough decontamination process.
Decontaminating your vehicle removes harmful contaminants from all surfaces, ensuring that their will be no physical barriers to stop your protective products from bonding, and to ensure there are no long-lasting negative effects that can affect your paintwork from contamination build-up.
A periodic chemical decontamination process is also vital to maintain a ceramic coating to perform its best and lasting as long as possible by removing contamination that will limit its performance and longevity.
Can a Decontamination process damage my vehicle?
If you are performing a decontamination process on your vehicle without a proper understanding of the chemicals/products you are using, it is possible you can damage your car's finish.
It’s vital to understand that not all products by various brands are the same, so it’s important to always read the instructions and do a little research to ensure that you are well informed with both the products and methods that you intend on using.
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Benefits of decontamination & Rough timeline
Without a proper, thorough, and effective decontamination process, it is virtually impossible to achieve a quality paint correction or paint protection result.
A decontamination process prior to applying your favorite wax, sealant, or coating will ensure you get the best possible look, performance, and durability from any paint protection product. If you fail to remove contaminants, then these particles can get stuck in your polishing pads and damage your car, or provide a physical barrier, stopping your protection from bonding to your vehicle.
A decontamination process is only something that should be done on a vehicle periodically - which could be as frequent as every 3-6 months on vehicles that are heavily used and stored outside in extreme conditions, or as little as every few years for garaged vehicles with limited use.